6 responses to “About

  1. Hi,
    This is Kelly Holeman. I am on staff at NTBI Waukesha, in case you do not know me. I was wondering if you would mind if we used one of your blog posts on the NTBI website and Facebook page. Or you could choose to write a totally different one. We are trying to put articles about life at the school or things people are learning at school there for prospective students and parents to see. I especially like the one on faithfulness as you spoke more personally in it than some of the others. Let me know what you think.

    • Hello Kelly!
      I remember who you are! Yes, of course you can use my posts for the website. I would be honored. Unless you have something a little more particular in mind, I don’t think I would write a new post, but I definitely can if you’d like! Let me know if you want me to edit the post you choose.

  2. Thanks! I will use the one on Faithfulness. If you have a picture of yourself could you email it to me?

  3. My name, Kelly Holeman, in the same format as all the NTM emails that the teachers and such have. Sorry did not want to post it here:)

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